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 joey was feeding her dinosaur. ha

the other day she came to me and told me that she wanted to change her name to "johana elizabeth dinosaur rex"  so from now, that is her name. ha

another funny. yesterday in the car the girls were arguing over who they will marry.  joey says :fine, you can marry judah and jessy. im going to marry jesus"
ellie looked at her, rolled her eyes and said " he's unavailable"
nate and i lost it, we laughed!

storm night! i spent the night in ellie's bed. nate came to join us.  i find myself often tucking the girls in and BOOM. im asleep. ha
 march break at the library.  joey put the bucket over her head and said "now you cant see me!" ha
 the girls were playing hide and go seek
this is how i found her
 silly joey!
 we played some games and left to meet up with dad
 thurs night i found myself babysitting these 2 cuties!