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 the last while ive felt overwhelmed with the amount of house work to get done, above the normal tasks.  so i wrote out a list of the extra jobs and decided to tackle 2-3 every week until they are done.
monday after school and lunch i told the kids i needed to work in the kitchen.  they ALL wanted to help me! i figured the job would take 2 hrs tops! but with the kids helping it turned out to be 3.5 hrs...bawahhh

i cleaned off all the tops of my cabinets and scrubbed the tea pots, them moved them around
 joey and ellie were HUGE helpers!
 empty shelves!
 ignore the counter tops. ha
 cleaned tea pots!
 the new look
 i like it
and it was DONE!  after this i drank a coffee and took the kids outside to burn off their never ending supply of energy!