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 we camw hoe to our YUM box!  it was from italy!
 we were all enjoying it, then ellie bit into a chip and yelled "MY TOOTH FELL OUT"!  and surem enough it did!
 see looks so different!
our tooth fairy "only" pays 1.00 a tooth,but ellie was delighted! until she realized that the 1.00  was not enough to pay for her and joey's candy.  so chris and i threw in another 1.00 and ellie was THRILLED to have enough money to pay for candy for her and her sister.  my heart! 
then i had to break the news to ellie that a snow storm was coming and i couldnt take them to the "candy store" until tues

ellie was ok, as long as she and joey had enough ?"monies" to buy candy.  my heart!