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christmas and boxing day were...

 spent like this, hahaha.  me trying to read the BEST books that my dad gave me and having kids feet in the way..

my goal was to read 2 books, and i DID!!!= AWESOME!!!!!
 this was my view from my bed.  really, can i be anymore blessed?????

i did take a break from reading to make ginger bread houses with the kids
 they all loved it
 so much messy fun!
 ellies house
 joeys house!
 ready to eat her house
 my 2 oldest
 my little
 joey took these pics on boxing day and it sums up our time. chris napped. he DESERVES IT!!!!
 i read!!!!
 chris napped some more
 and we were all together
 then we played monopoly, and many other games...