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last week

 i believe it was last fri night, i was working away in the kitchen and came out to find the girls, dancing together to this interactive show.  SO cute. sisters that dance and play together. stay together. ha!
 i read this, and loved it.  it reminded me that love NEVER gives up, NEVER loses and is always hopeful
 saturday chris went to the cabin and i took the kids to copper's birthday party! the girls were excited to dress up and go.  joey told me that "she did not need my help in doing her hair"  i found her like this
 LOVE it.  i told her that i loved her hair and she could wear it to the party!
 on our way!  nate in the front seat with me
 we arrived early to play with copper's lego.  uncle jon almost had a fit. hahahaha
 my little bro and my ellie-rhe.  love them!
we snacked on pop corn till the party started!