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game night!

 tues night chris was *gasp* at the land. haha. nate and i spent some time together playing board games. i had a HOOT!  it was seriously fun.  we played battle ship and he won! 
 then some scabs and guts until ellie joined us, we packed the games away and watched a show, then i sent the older 2 to bed and brought this bug to my bed. it was her turn
 i snapped my phone off at 10:30, crashed until chris came and woke me up, where we had a conversation that i dont remember. hahaha. this happens EVERY night, chris waked me up, we talk and i dont remember it the next day. haha
 today i ran a few errands and took these kids to play at mcdees
 where i got a text that cheer was ON, so we packed up and we made it in time for the last cheer of the yr
and thats a quick peek into my day!