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 last sea day!  we spent it in spice, then i hit up what i called my own personal vibe. the waterfront, it had shade and was quiet, i would curl up with a book and read...or nap....ha
 fri night was my most fav night!  i wore my crazy pants (that the gays LOVED) and went to the 80's party!
 cry was smoking!
 but not before the 2nd best meal of the trip!
 the best meatballs!
 mine, beef strips in this non spicy curry!   SOOOO good
 after dinner, the wine is the glass i had at supper. haha.  we went DANCING with my gays.  SO. much. FUN
 some of the boys
 me and liz. she was a hoot and the only girl i really talked to
 dancing in ,y crazy pants
 more dancing
it was seriously the best night, at the end we went to check out greg's solo cabin, talked for a bit and went to bed.  it was just so nice to know that the ppl i was with were watching out for us, they would go to the bar and get me and my sis water, made sure NO guys talked to us so we could just dance and have it was a hoot to sing all those 80's songs!