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 and this is how i found him last night

love him!


Ursi said...

Hi Mel
Thanks once again for sharing your life with us. One of these days I might get back to blogging. I know "busy" is no excuse and right now my priorities are to deal with my garden. I have tons of tomatoes, but got late blight so I need to pick what's red/reddish now and toss several bushels of green since they won't have any plant left to ripen them. (Plus I don't have room to ripen them off the vine). I still am blessed by the awesome produce from our garden. (Beets the size of grapefruit are my medium sized ones!!) My biggest one is going to the local fair.
Lots of love,

mel said...

hey ursi, don't be silly, you blog or rather have a family yr book that you print out, id imagine that takes way more time than a blog! (and a great excuse to get away a few times a yr to work on it ;) I think of my blog as therapy/family log/photo album/etc... its a great way for me to get out what im thinking and feeling :) I would love to have a garden, and one day I will again, maybe when the kids are bit older and can help ;) haha...for now, I love receiving the bounty of my friend's gardens :) haha