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the tree and the gifts

so excited!

then he saw....

my trap. haha

i told him that the rules for christmas morning were

1-stay in his room until the light goes on (normal rule)

2-eat his snack in his room (yes, i leave snacks out for him)

3-don't go down stairs until we all go together

and to make sure that worked. i marked it off so he couldn't


ripping that old ribbon off!

and down we go!

"for meeeeeeeeeee?"

look at that!!!!!!!!!!!

then he ran and slid under the tree, totally reminded me of uncle lego!

very serious concentration as he opened

then we went to church, me and nate in my very comfy cosy jammies! came home for a nap, woke up and was very hungry so i announced we will be eating soon...

we did racklette (sp???). so good. i am still full today!

we had a very quiet, blessed and wonderful christmas together as a family. i really enjoyed it. we join my family this weekend for new years!

merry wonderful, joyful and memory filled christmas

may this coming year be so full of awesome things, dreams filled, relationships made and all that great stuff


Ursi said...

Merry Christmas! Glad to hear you had a good one. We enjoyed our quiet day as a family also.
Mel, after your post about your PJs to church, I was really hoping for a picture;)

Anonymous said...

merry christmas! glad you had a great family day :) ok the real question is...where's your jammie picture since u went to church in them?...we need to see them ;)!!!


mel said...

sorry ya had to be there. i forgot to take a pic before we left. trust me, i looked cute :) ha!

mel said...

sorry ya had to be there. i forgot to take a pic before we left. trust me, i looked cute :) ha!