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halloween and stuff

hee hee
ellie in her happy place
simply being held
what a peaceful, calm delight she is
and she discovered her fists
she's also trying to sit up on her own
sob sob
we don't do pumpkin carving but this yr we were asked to bring one in for nate's nature class on friday
so i had chris do it
we carved triangles
we went to the church for the halloween shing ding
there was a lot of sugar
and a lot of running around
nate was spiderman with out the mask. too hot he said
i worked the cotton candy stand
v worked the popcorn
which was so good!
games were played
they made it about 2 feet than ran the rest
spidey after his face painting
talent show
he was SO tired by then
he wanted to stay long enough to get his candy bag. which was HUGE
chris and i already went through it to make sure everything was ok, just like my dad use to do for us...haha
ellie this morning
all sun shiny happy and wonderful!