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us in pics!

ellie fell over while i was folding laundry
she never said a peep
just laid there
such a quiet baby!
brother and sister crazy hair!
nate loves to read and talk to his sister
(when he reads he makes up stories that go along with the pictures)
thurs's lesson was on super hero's
utter adorableness!
ellie's getting into the jumper!  she loves it
after bath, ever so fresh and wonderful smelling daddy daughter cuddle time
close up
this morning i came down to this
the boys were at the table
why is she facing the couch?
i joked and said what? you's put her in time out or something?
she just sat there. not saying a word

can't believe it's been so long since i've blogged!  it's been busy around here.  i love it thou
i got some new school curric for nate and i've spent a lot of time getting it ready, reading over it and figuring out how to intro it to nate.  up to now, except for math, i've just used bit of this and that and made stuff up as i went along. so it's weird to follow a lesson plan!

we've been doing science this week. only cause nate asks for it. so i just took a body book i have around ehre and made lessons from it. he LOVES it!

so we are in a routine and things are flowing along nicely.  i now have a chance to take advantage of chris being around and going out for coffee, walks and's a nice break!

can't believe we hope to set the tree up this week!  crazy!  good thing i picked up 2 christmas presents for yself on friday. haha. 

how's life for everyone?  all ready for the christams season?