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snow day!

 the weather yesterday was perfect for some snow fun.  personally, i loath the cold and pretty much hibernate from nov-march.  i consider myself an active mom during the warm weather but not so much when it's cold. anyways. i also forced chris to join us....

nate did some practice slides in front of the house while chris chipped away at the ice on the driveway
 ellie all bundled up (with chris's gloves on her lap)
 she LOVES being outside
 the men are way in the back...
 we hit up the new developments at the back end of the division. personally i LOVE this house. i want to snoop in it....maybe ill take a stroll out on monday when the workers are there (the houses are locked when the workers are gone and for the most part they are fine with us neighbours walking through them)  nyways, i love it!  now i want to build another house.....but thats another story. nothing bigger than what we have now, just more compact and more in tune with our lifestyle....chris.....cough....haha
 back to the winter fun!
 watching nate slide. and slide. and slide
 and slide
 it was beautiful out!
 now its ellie's turn
 and they went down! only once. they wiped out and ellie wanted back in the safety of her sled. ha
and  more sledding!  it was fun and i did my 1 time outside activity....cant wait till the snow is gone. speaking of they are calling for a storm today......oya....