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pregnancy and books!

this morning, 16.5 wks. im huge. cant wait to see how i look at 26 wks
 belly shot!

pregnancy update for those who care. ha!

i had my prenatal appointment on monday. everything went well.  now that i am normal patient i go to the clinic and have to wait a bit longer for the dr.  when you are seen by on obg your appointments are usually on time. when you go to the clinic there is 1 dr and if someone goes into labour or there is an emergency, back up you wait for the dr!  its annoying at times but so far ive been ubber lucky!

i saw the nurses and the rn in 30 mins.  then waited an hour to see the dr!  i am up 3 pounds from last check up, so about 13ish in total so far?  my blood pressure is normal and there is no protein showing its head. which is great!

best part, we got the baby's heartbeat in 30 seconds and listened to it for a good 5-10 mins.  154 bpm.  strong and loud! the baby stayed in the same place so we were able to listen with out interruptions. something that NEVER happened with miss moves every second ellie!   i am carrying low, but there is no concern about it i carried very low with nate,  and i measure a solid 3" belly.  wheeee i actually have a belly!

and we have movement!  i felt flutters last week and full on baby fishy moves this week. mostly at night, when i am still. haha  i hardly even notice im preggers during the day, too busy to think about it.  awesome. ha.

there has been NO spotting, cramping, bleeding or other problems.  i am in a state of shock, this is a normal-no complications pregnancy! whee!

we find out the sex next months and yes, i want to know and yes, ill be blabbing it.

read a thon!  so this yr we did the read a thon for the first time.  its a fundraiser to help support the moncton christian home educators .  your child reads 10 hrs in 3 wks, you get sponsors for it.  you keep 1/2 the money raised to buy books/curriculum at the local home school store and the other 1/2 goes to the mche library for books to borrow.

the home school store is closing and liquidating the books. the stock was quite low and i wasn't able to purchase any curriculum for nate for next year which was the plan.  so in stead i was able to purchase educational books that you would find in a school library/text book style book
 i made up a chart to keep track of the books nate read and the time it took him.  he finished today!  im so proud of him!  he did it all by himself!
so this morning, i picked up my friend lo to keep me company and we hit up the store.  this was my haul of books. to give you a general idea of how expensive books are this is 250.00 worth of books. NOT including curriculum!

ppl ask me if its expensive to home school and i always say, it can be as expensive as you want it to be or as frugal as possible!  we have a budget of what i aim to spend on books each year.  i tend to come in on the lower side of cheap. haha BUT somethings i do spend the money on...somethings i do are-

-buy at the end of the yr used book sales!!!!  i make a list a good yr a head of what i am looking for and see if i can pick it up used!

-sales!!  local venders offer discounts and i do buy on line, when things go on sale!

-buy from friends and others in our local group!

-garage sales!! ive loaded up on a lot of books from random sales ive come across

-i try to buy as much reusable currics as i can for all the kids.  i buy the text book and then only have to purchase work books annually

-trade books with friends!

chris and i also look at it as a long term investment for all of our kids.  the books will be used 3 times making it more cost worthy. ha.  besides by the time you add up the costs we save on public school costs it breaks even (meaning saved money on school fees, gas, clothing, extra curric's etc...*NOT comparing the 2 together!!!)  anyways!

to answer thou, you can easily home educate a child in elem for 300 a yr.  and thats with new/used books

so there ya goes!  another load of books to read to nate! he's already bugging me to read the book on the blood guy as he calls it (start of blood collection)

one last nate story. i LOVE this dude!

yesterday i stopped in for my weekly tims (i try to buy 1 coffee a week, cut backs haha)  and got a donut for us to share, after nate finished eating i tossed him a wipe knowing his fingers and face would be covered in the sugary-goodness....i saw nate lean over after he took the wipe and i watched him wipe ellies fingers and face. then he asked for another wipe for himself

seriously? my heart.

back to my new books i go, to glaze upon the newness of them....haha

happy thursday!!!


mom said...

I so appreciate those personal remarks about Nate with his little sister. Precious!