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 we had a little snow fall last week, most of it is melted now. but it was enough to go out and play in the snow....which i just LOVE! not!  the girls enjoyed it
 sun after church we hit up costco for lunch. between the samples and a cafeteria we all ate for 8.00.  not too bad and i was able to run into the sunday after church costco regulars and have a chat. ha
 love it. joey is such a ham
 monday brought a snow day (not for us) but for the public schools. we all had eye tests.  i took all 3 kids and was an awesome experience.  the optometrist remembered me from 8 yrs ago.  she was super awesome with the kids. we all got to look and discover the equipment, we each looked into each others's eyes, behind the eyes, the blood vessels.  it was quite  educational.  at the end of the appointment she told me that i should be proud, my kids were very well behaved and she could not believe i had all 3 in the room with me and we finished under the scheduled appointment time.  so yeah for me!  haha

ellie in the chair. her eyes are good, there is a slight astigmatism and she might need glasses. nate was fine
 and joey did so well
 she took the test very seriously
i how ever will need glasses sooner than i thought....i have a prescription but i dont think ill fill it....its for 1.00 which isnt big but still. it just another sign of my age....sob sob