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 saturday morning i was woken up to the girls declaring i MUST come to "ellie's concert"  so we did

 and waited in the dark
 for ellie to start her show. so cute. she sang a solo to "this is the day"
 then joey joined her on the "stage"
 chris took the day off to have some alone time.  nate went to a friends house so i took the girls out to some stores and the library where i was able to read another chapter of this book.  ive been reading it since the fall, slowly, its a great book.  i really am liking it. i was thinking i should start a book club with it.  very encouraging!  and i won on my coffee.  so far im 2 wins to 35 losses. lol
i took the kids home for baths, supper and bed.  chris had a lovely day of quiet!  i had a regular day! ha


Ursi said...

I’m doing the MomStrong Bible study with a friend of mine. I also listen to Heidi’s podcast when I get a chance. She was the keynote speaker at our homeschool conference last year. She is really cool

mel said...

I fall asleep almost every night to Heidi. Lol. Chris come in to turn my iPad off and my light. Lol. Love the pod casts. I'm really enjoying the book. I'm slowly going throug it. are you enjoying the bible study? I was thinking of ordering it. We hope to have Heidi for conference not yr. this yr e have Todd Wilson.