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garden time!

fri i had a frriend over for a swim and catch up!  they left around 4 and around 5 chris and i and the girls headed out to do the mulch on the property

we (chris) also planted a new tree! 

side garden
front garden, i weeded monday night with ellies help. nate was just chilling. ha
flower bed. i cant wait for the flowers to bloom!
i walked pass the girls room and found this. 
ellie broke her arm and dr. joey was taking care of her!
i LOVE this
so fun!
i was at the computer and nate walks in. he says "im smoking weed"
i saw him and BURST out laughing
get it
he's smoking weed
love this kid
chris and i had coffee sun night.  it was cold.  chris was prepared
joey was hiding from us
i spent most of sun getting ready for mon.  i had a playdate arranged....
9 adults came
26 kids
not including the 6 neighbor kids
i fed them all

some kids braved the pool. but most stayed in the club house, trampoline, bikes and the girls room
for having that many peeps over it was AWESOME!!!! no fights, the house was left looking reasonable and im totally going to do it again!
and i spent my evening reading this silly, fun read!  so good!
my girls in the sand box. they made food, and coffee and served everyone!  wouldnt you want to come to their sand box restaurant! ha!
and what that. im off to wash bed sheets, supervise play dates and well, just be a mom i guess....oh wait! we have small groups tonight!

sigh!  enjoy your day!