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the last week

after  having that stupid hot week, the temps have returned to normal and its about +10-+18 daily. WAY too cold for me to swim, but the kids have braved the temps for their daily swim.  we have a solar heat panel to heat the pool, but we need SUN for that to work...the pool temp ranges from +18-25...again, way too cold for me! but perfect for the kids. ha

i love how joey dresses herself. i never know what ill find. last tues it was princess and butterfly dress. and yes, she wore the crown most of the day!
and more swim time
one of nates friends is moving/selling the house. to prep the house to have it ready to list, the mom had a friend help paint her house, she had 3 kids.  everyday from tues-mon her kids were in our back yard.  to most this would be an annoyance, but honestly for me i didnt mind having them over. once you hit 5 kids, its all the same...and the kids play well. but the most wonderful part of meeting these kids was having my kids really click with them, we got their contact info and im sure they will be back....the most amazing part? nate was able to share his faith with the kids, he prayed with them and gave them a bible...back yard ministry right!  i was encouraged! 

i was able to finish this bad boy off!
ok, i know i always say this is the best book, blah, blah....but this book. blew me away!!!!!  it was written by a historian and literally 1/2 the book was foot notes. so i would read a page, then flip to the notes, i now have 4 more books i want to order...but after googling them. YIKES! ill see if i can find them used or on sale.

anyways! its the true story of a father and son who spent the 5 yrs in the camps.  the final camp was auschwitz, the son was sent free, but the father was chosen to go. most likely to die, but the son went i with his dad and was able to get him job after job to stay alive. they survived and were liberated at the end of the war....and they stayed together until the father died....the story was so good!  but what got me was the intensive foot note the author had.  which lead me to so many more books to read...the best part was the son and father were able to steal from the "kanada" store to use the money and clothing to hide and start a new life....its a great read!!
there is NOTHING! better than waking up to this
love note from my girls
this makes me smile!
joey is my little artist. she loves to draw.  i found a picture of a dinosaur for her to draw. i gave her the paper and pens and left.  i came back  this.  what the what?!  great job!
when i came back to the house i came with a huge list of "things to do"  i am SOOOO pleased that i got it all done!  one of the jobs was to purge the garage and front closet.  in the back of the closet i found this box holding more diapers in this house!  i packed the empty diaper box up and sent it out the door! ha!

im actually pleased with all the work i got done. and i know its work that you cant see. but non the less, i got it all done with 3 play dates as well!
another joey outfit. my little sparkly, glittery, purse carrying glam girl!  she pulled this outfit together on her own!