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18 wks

friday night was crazy with this babe.

i went out with a friend, came home late, starving so i ate crap from mcdee's, went to bed and woke up an hr later with the worst cramping pain, evah! it hurt SO much. i knew nothing was wrong. then cramping turned into pinching, then the babe decided to be like nate and take up break dancing, on my organs. then the hormones took over.

i was a mess. i slept very little and was counting the hrs until sun light. it turns out the babe was simply getting a wee bit cramped in his space in my back, decided to move up a bit and make some more room, which triggered the hormones to activate into a wind storm of emotions, then the hunger hit. i ate and ate and ate until the sun came up...then the storm was was CRAZY! other than that things are well. i kinda look pregnant, kinda, sorta...ok i don't i look like i ate to many doritos..yumm