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the couple

when i was in beauty school, fridays were nicknamed "old, lady-roller day" which could be taken as a negative description but in all honesty, it was coined in fun and was a day i enjoyed
fridays were willed with older ladies who came for their weekly, wash and set. they were fun. these ladies were quite entertaining and listening to their gossip (not that they would admit to that) gave us younger gal's stuff to giggle about all week
i had my regulars. jill had her's. each friday morning, an old beat up maroon oldsmobile would pull up, an older gent would get out, walk around the car, open the door to his lady. he would walk her to the shop door, open it for her (while balancing both their cain's and equally old bodies) , take her to her chair, wink at her on the way out, reminding her he will be back in a few hours. he always wore a tweed jacket, with pockets on the elbow, a top hat and cain.
and in a few hours he would come back, pay for her hair. walk to her chair, kiss her on her cheek while proclaiming to everyone in his shaky with age voice, how she is the most beautiful lady in the world and how lovely she looked. he always made a big deal over her. he would then, walk her to the car, opening the door to set her in, walk around. take off his hat and wave bye to us girls...who would be watching the whole thing with wonder and awe
fall turned into winter and winter into the spring. one beautiful spring friday morning, the couple did not show up. we chalk it up as being forgetful. the next friday came. up pulled that old maroon car. out came the gent with the tweed jacket with the patch over the elbow. breaking all routine he came to the shop door. alone.
off came his hat. in a quiet voice he explained that his misses had passed away. he found himself that friday morning, waking, dressing, getting into the car and driving to the shop. he muttered that he felt lost and all over the place. trying to find a new, new, he found himself going back to what he use to do...finding a new path is hard to do
i understand how he feels. finding a new, new is hard to do


Em said...

Thank you for that story, Mel. It really made my day...