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no cutting corners here

i dropped by chris's latest project to see these corners that he was going on about
as having done many, many jobs with drywall/mudding...i can now understand his dismay...
and more.....
insert a very cranky boy
and more corners....

now he can complain all he wants. i totally understand!
my mother in law gifted us with the best gift ever. i opened my fridge this morning, smiled and thought "man. this gift rocks"
she bought me a bottle of wine (don't be getting religious on me now) which i will note is still unopened, i didn't drink it while they were here...haha
and many jars of jam (we already ate 2 of them) they are fun jams. all different flavour and kinds. being swiss, we go though a lot of jam and bread...speaking of bread...she baked me FOUR loafs of my most fav bread "sunday bread" and they are now snug in my freezer...
*in my house sunday bread is for any day...hahaha