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totally tuesday!

let's learn about evaporation! what else can you do on a hot sunny day with a bored child?! take a glass fill it up

make sure it's the same amount

cover one with a plastic bag and mom's hair elastic

put it outside for 2 hours and check back

sorry no pic. the water was lower in the uncovered i explained evaporation/heat and even the green house effect

the white paper was his idea. ha!

big boy on his big boy bike

hooking up his wagon to make his "wagon machine"

and away we go

this is for you sarah! we love it! it's in the middle of the lawn in the back yard. everyone knows we are swiss here. ha!

a leaf i found in mapleton this am. boo! red already!????!!!

making mud with spit, just like jesus did to the blind dude. it was a great hand on visual to explain that story to him. he loved it when i spat 3 times to make mud


chilling with the ducks

times have changed. instead of riding in the stroller like the past, he walked! the whole way! and he did little complaining....little....


how was your day?