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why 5?

i read nate the david and Goliath story. he loves the action and the killing. ha! i've read/taught the story lots and lots but today. i put the book down and thought

"why 5 stones?"

why 5 and not 1? he was little but he really trusted god

so did he have little faith and needed some back up?

david knew about the giant and knew how he worked

but how?

he just have watched his enemy= he did his homework

he then tried on the armour

but he took what HE was most comfy with a staff and a sling= he used what he knew best

then he took 5 stones

not 1


after doing a quick study (and i mean quick google) i discovered this

goliath had 4 brothers



david was prepared to kill goliath with the first and the bro's (in case they came after him) with the other 4. he was ready to take out g's family

david knew god would protect him but he also planned/studies and prepped himself. he was prepared for war

so. am i prepared like david was?

(this is MY thoughts. take them with a grain of salt and little study time)


Anonymous said...

Is it not so that we have to be prepard after winning a battle for the nexr one? Satan will not let us in peace for long! So be prepared and stay strong and wach out. Keep going in Gods battle.HE is with his children. God bless you.