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i took s's kids on fri so she could run a few errands, sans kids. we had a great time. the boys were building roads to church in the sand box, where they got really, really dirty!

adorable lennon

and nelson hung with me

then the boys went for a ride

while lennon napped

then they all took a ride

the tent!

2 yrs ago carla's tent was destroyed in a storm so we bought it for 50 bucks for the parts

but chris wanted to fix it

and he did

tent! which was great timing, about 15 mins after he finished we had some friends drop by, we spent the evening in the tent, relaxing and getting eaten by some bugs...and that is just not good enough for chris
so sat morning c spent the morning "relaxing"

and coming up with schemes to make the tent 100% bug free

while i actually relaxed

first chris bolted the bottom to the DECK

then bolted the corner's
but that was still not good enough

so he set ALL our tents up because he knew that 1 of them had a broken piece that he could use to tie down the top part so it's completely closed in

see. he`is "relaxing"!

nate built this and i found it after i put him down for a quick sleep

not sure what it is...

but his treasure box is full of treasures!

then we went to b&s's wedding

beautiful bride

nate was mesmerized by the whole wedding. he had SO many questions after

hanging with his buddy

which he BAWLED and i mean full on tears when we had to go

nate adores noah

then home to enjoy the bug proof gazebo

check the arms out...


i put nate to bed and felt bad that c and i were enjoying our little paradise so we went and got nate out of bed to come down and hang with us

i also want to intro nate in the love of reading, and it's a great way to get him to start...knowing he would be on his best behavior staying up

chris was too tired from "relaxing" to enjoy the gazebo, he went to bed....



no caps nate said...

Hey can Chris "Relax" me a new pool, hot tug, lazy river, and water slide? LOL