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my uncle

funny how the simplest thing can trigger a wave of thoughts, emotions and memories

it happened to me last week

n and i were sitting at the lights, while waiting i point things out this day i said "nate, look at the truck that has the bucket and the man inside"

it was a n.b power truck, the dude was in the bucket at the top of a pole

as n talked, and talked and talked and talked about this phenomenon

my thoughts brought me back back to the late 80's. we just moved to n.s from calgary and my uncle. my crazy...everyone has an uncle like this!...nutty, outrageous and so very tough uncle worked for the phone company and had a company bucket truck

which during his off hours he would give us kids a ride up in the bucket. totally not safe, a bit illegal and typical of my uncle. we loved these rides! they were the bomb

life is too short to not reflect and express your love for ppl. so with this post, i share (much to his horror at the display of emotion, let alone love) i love you uncle cylde. you have given me so many memories to pass on

oh the stories....