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nate before his music class this am
isn't he thrilled?!
i told him if he smiled i'd give him a cookie
which is funny cause i don't have any cookies
nate enjoys this class, the teacher is amazing! 
and i turned around to grab my breaky to eat on the way there
this system totally works for me!  i put cereal in a bag and take my coffee to go!  yum!
anyways, ellie got into nate's stuff
she was so sad when i told her the music class was not for her
she came and hung out it me
                                               and i put a braid in  her hair!
i totally think ellie's our musical one. going on a huge hunch here...
then we came home started school but we were both distracted by the on goings at our neighbors house!
when we pulled up there was a huge budget rental van and 6 or so extra cars
weird.  anyways...after an hour of watching them take a mirror and move it around. i did what any mom would do
i sent nate over to ask
and he did
15 mins later he's still talking and came home to report that they are making a commercial about cancer and how to prevent it
then the guy nate was talking to lite up
yes, smoked away while making a commercial about cancer
ironic? no?
