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this is why we don't do hallmark holidays!
i came home to this surprise the other night!
chris had someone who was in the states bring me 10 trader joe's chai tea!
and flowers for my classroom!
and made a tea for me!
what an awesome sight after a long day!
thanks dude! i love you!
we went to the park and did some swinging
then into the woods where nate kept a close eye on ellie and her stick eating
my dolly
i gave ellie 2 toy kitchen tools to play with. she banged them the whole way
love it!
i wanted to take the kids out alone for a bit, just to spend sometime with them
i swear i could have had an entourage by the time we got home!
i am learning to enjoy living in the subdivision.  i am honest and tell ppl when i want kids over or when i want to be alone with my kids!  total freedom!
ellie and i watched the kids come in droves to the jumpoline
i love this.  we are party central around here!  i joke that the parents need to bring chairs and stay

dbl fisting her snack while watching away

the wind in her hair
my dolly!
her toes!!!! i love how she crosses them!

and with that it's the end of another week.  no school today, chris and i are heading off to sussex for the annual home educator's conference. we got a hotel for the night and my parents are coming to watch the kids.  i am leaving ellie. sniff, sniff.  it's only for a day.....and i do need to focus on the conference and plan/prepare for next year. can't get over hoe fast the year went by! and i have my *kijij money to spend on books!

have a great wkend everyone!

*kijiji money is the money i make from selling my crap on kijiji to buy things for school or yard sale!  which bums me out cause this wkend is the huge camelot estates yard sale. boo!  maybe next year!


Loana said...

Kijiji Money! Great Idea!!!

Crystal said...

Awww, that's my dolly. Nana had to call me this morning to tell me that she is just like I was as a baby! So, in other words, perfection... LOL

mel said...

kijiji money rules this school!

ellie DOES look like you, mom and dad finally both agreed! i've been saying it for months now, good thing cause you were a cutie patootie kid...hahaha