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rain! rain! rain!

sigh.  when will the sun come out so we can go out and play?

until then, we are holding up with playing in the play room, i've discovered there is NOTHING better than listening to your kids playing quietly (haha) together.  bliss

i am slowly catching up on house work.  how do working mom's do it?  hire a cleaner?  sigh.  i've abandoned the school area like the plague hit it. haha.  i should put things away....

i grabbed a cute craft kit from the $ store about a month ago for 1.50. it kept nate busy for 2 hours while ellie slept. well worth the 1.50. ha.  he turned it into a machine of sorts

seriously, this is the coldest. wettest spring i can remember!  sigh


Loana said...

I KNOW.......where is summer????
Nice weather for Grad night!!!