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school update!

 im trying to sneak more art into 'school' but nate is determined to not enjoy this. haha

i came up with an angry bird craft, instead of coloring/painting we used pre cut tissue paper that was left over from my lesson at the church a few wks  back

i had him paint the glue on, then stick the tissue paper
 he did a fav job.  he worked for a good 15 mins. then once it was dry, he cut it out and made his picture!

yeah for art! ha
 the following is a general round up of our school day

we start with our calender book.  basically i choose random papers for him to work on, it's a great way to kick start his brain and is teaching him to work on his own

the journal part is my fav!  i took a scribbler (.50) and on 1 side i write a question that he answers.  the other side is the weekly verse

the cost is less than a $ and teaches printing/copy work and spelling
 each day has a different question. i write them up monthly
 calender activity sheets. we go over the month, day, year, weather, colors etc...
 and i keep it in this folder. each fri i change the sheets and put them in the master calendar binder
 then it's on to math. we LOVE LOVE LOVE math u see.  i am learning math all over again. the easy way. i even taught jess how to add and subtract dbl digits with out 'adding' but using logic and reason to understand why it works. she had no clue (like me) that math can be taught this way. so easy! 
 then on to spelling. i was using using another spelling curriculum  but switched back to all about spelling and saw huge changes in a week,  i am also switching back to all about reading, i was using another program called sing, speak and spell that I love, but nate prefers all about instead. oh well....
 i give him works, he spells them out on the white board. he LOVE this.  so i don't have a paper copy of his spelling but i keep record in my own scribbler for document reasons. the program cost me 5.00 and .25 for my scribbler. ha
 then it's reading time. he has to read 1 story out loud to me from his reader and 1 from his book basket.  i record the book, if he read it or if he needed help to keep for my records and it also helps me start from the beginning to keep records for when he graduates high school.. yes, we will home school right through to gr 12
 nates book basket. it has a whole lotta spiderman, superman, marvel, ninja's and lego books. we do our chapter books reading at night. we are currently 1/2 through the magic tree house series. fun!
school takes about 2 hrs each day. i didn't include his writing or work book books. but if you want to know we are using winning with writing (love!) and the smart alec series. we also do a few out loud critical thinking questions.  if we have extra time, i read out loud to him from text books. my friend gave ne her son's grade 5 abeka text books, so i pick on of those and read from it. 

that's our little eighenheer school house, for those who are curious :)

p.s i stopped doing devotions/bible with him for this semester just to break it up. chris does a devotion with him each morning before he goes to work and i found that nate was bored with having 2 a day.. so we skipped it for now


mom said...

Mel, I am so impressed, you will have to teach me that new way to do math. is that Poppa's old clip board?

mel said...

nope. it's not dad's clip board. i have that packed away in storage. i should dig it out and use it thou. great idea

ill show you the math. its so easy!