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 out back deck. seriously, i wish i could say it was a snow drift, but it's not. its packed snow. 
 the back yard
 sliding down the snow hill in front of the house
 so nate wiped out, i captured ellie's instant action. she came running from her cheering spot
 to check on him
 "you ok, yaya?"
its been so cold out lately but we braved the cold to play in the snow.  its good to get out side. i can. not. wait for the summer and being outside a lot more.  althou, we are taking full on advantage of the cold and snow and bursting through the books. i love that about home educating, we work at our own pace...i haven't told nate that he's almost done grade 2, and i use that loosely cause i have no clue what grade 2 actually is....but we've finished almost everything i had hoped to have done, so we are at a good place....not that he needs to know this. hahaha


Ursi said...

Looks like you got lots of that cold, white stuff!!! We enjoy our foot of snow. It's enough to make everything clean and sparkly without the work of keeping driveways and walkways clean.
My surgery went well and I can do a lot of things again, but I'm off dish duty for 2 weeks.
I hope you're keeping well, I missed reading your blog the last few days. Lots of blessings your way! ursi

mel said...

we are getting more white stuff!!! SO glad your surgery went well....soon you will be back to knitting! rest up and enjoy being pampered!