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i found this while thrifting a few wks back...y family will get it.... what's in the box?  NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

i am finding it a challenge to keep up with the blog.  my days are so full...full of AWESOMENESS! ha that i dont take the time to post pics, or blog. by the time the evening rolls around, and the kids are in bed, i want to SLEEP. not blog...and trying to do blog during the day is even more challenging with my patience and counting the time's I hear "MOM!"  its crazy  like right now, as i type i just heard 3 MOMS....sigh...anyways!  little miss joey dresses herself in the FUNNEST outfits.  this was one i caught last week. then found these 2 pics on my phone

she set up the camera and POSED!
love it! love her!
she took one of me. this is me, first thing in the morning, drinking my wake up and live juice....i was reading about the new covid code orange rules....i wont even start on that....
one rainy night i busted out 3 paint colors. yellow, red and blue. from them we made 2 plates of colors and painted pictures
it was a great science lesson and the best part?  they did it all themselves, i painted my own picture
this is my oldest daughter. i told him to stop using my phone! and im posting his pics! ha!
last mon i took on the teens. the one age group our home school group doesnt have a lot (ok, any) activities are for the 12+ group. so i bit the bullet and planned one. the turn out was much that we are having weekly meets. i said i will plan 1 a month but i cant do ever week, on top of everything thing else.its time for other mom's to step up!
after games we had food but i had the teens spread out and fill in questions about what they wanted in a teen group. their reward was was a total success. so much more among the mom's. we all hit it off so well we made a new group for us and decided to meet wkly and chat daily.  with the amount of new home educators its hard ti find souls who are like minded to join my thankful for friends
the pic is blurry bec its a pic of a pic but i was asked last week if the 2 cuties n the front would be ok with using this pic for the zoo's advertising adds! so fun!!!!
last wed was joey's date night. and SHOCKINGLY she chose ME! hahahaha bec everything is shut down again!  i got us lunch at mcdee's and we came back to the loft to eat and craft
ellie wanted to join, joey felt so bad for her she fed her fries under the door
she wanted in so bad!
i taught joey how to make snow flakes
and we had ellie join us...
the after math...LOVE the 1/2 eaten hamburger on the floor. then we had a lesson on cleaning up our messes. haha