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pt 2

last fri night c and i went to the cabin for a few hours, we had supper, sat in front of the fire, i read and took a nap and we went back home.  we decided to stay home and get some projects done around the house. it was a really nice date!  when i got home i found the girls room like this
bawahhhh they decorated their closet and room with ribbons
but i love the notes
sat was project day! the girls finally got their bunk beds!  we took the guest bed in the basement (sorry family!  the bed is gone! gotta get a blow up mattress or something) and gave it to joey and put joeys bed on top.  ellies old bed went to the basement
joey taking pictures. she is SO much like me
ellie checking it out
my 3 goof troop kids!
ahhhh DONE!  i havent primer ed or painted yet. i kinda like the look.  i need to get queen sheets for joey but she wants "bright colors with rainbows and unicorns" and well, thats not easy to get in queen size.
haha at least its all spelt right
school time.  joey chose her outfit to match me. haha
i got these 2 babies off marketplace for 20!  love them!
my little school girl!
sob stop growing!
she got a new track suit (thanks to my parents) she changed her hair and shoes and became a "running girl" she was SO fast
and sharp dressed that she got a speeding ticket from this cop
do not mess with her
shes giving fines for speeding.  

i LOVE their creative play.  ellie dressed up as a cop to fine joey for running to fast. then joey gave me a 1000 fine for being her mom

her outfit
badge!  i got this on my first disney trip...23 yrs ago!
my friend opened her new keto store so ellie and i went to visit her.  while we were gone i gave joey a bunch of craft supplies and get her busy crafting. she used almost everything up and made SO many crafts. one was these puppets. where the girls put on plays
some of the treats i got. i also learned a very valuable lesson.  i dont do keto but i wanted to support who does NOT keto should be VERY careful of how much they eat...or they shall be in the bathroom for a long time.....cough SO proud of her. shes a home schooling mama of 3, runs our school page, puts on activities, works FULL time as a NURSE and now runs a keto store and bakery....shes cutting out the nursing to run keto girl full time.  shes amazing!
my little artist!
school time! making a dog brochure on how to care for your dog...ha
working away
taking a break to text my sis!
a first happened in our home today! my BABY had his first job interview at tim's!  i got a coffee and sat in the car to wait for him. the interview went really well, i think they were impressed with him.  the only thing i can think of for him not getting the job is his age...but i think they are willing to work around that....stay tuned on the job front!
i watched his doc. its a GREAT doc from the author of i kissed dating good bye.  it brings up a lot of questions and causes you to pause and think. ive made some changes in my own belief system. i dont think there is a cookie cutter formula for life. one thing i am learning and i think it will be my motto is messes make beauty when cleaned. anyways, its a great thinker video
ellie LOVES her new bed, its her space. she is opposite of joey. ellie wakes up every morning checks her book, reads, then makes her bed and sets up her stuffies
her little table that chris made for her. the pink book is our note book, every night i leave ellie a note she loves it.  sometimes she write to me but its mostly just me and if i forget to write she lets me know. ha.  anyways instead of using old books and pieces of paper i got this nice journal and she can keep it as a memory book
joey makes her bed too.  we cracked down on the kids.  this is where chris comes in to help me.  hes the consistent one. ha but its been about 2 months now.  every morning all the kids have to make their beds, clean up their rooms, change, brush hair and teeth, empty the dishwasher, feed the critters-sweep the wood shavings and clean up BEFORE they can eat.  im impressed with how they have taken to it and its much less work for me.   anyways! joey is a good bed maker and her stuffy pile takes up 1/2 her bed...each stuffy has a name and she knows it. dont even think about taking one she will know it!
its been a busy week.  ive had 3 zoom meetings in a row, tonight is my last one. YIPPEE.  im planning on taking the kids to the cabin tomorrow and chris will join us fri. i need some time to chill/read/or paint!  so thats a quick look at us!