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the last of aug!

i finally got to read this book.  honestly? it wasnt wrth the hype.  i found it rather blah

my friend and i spent last sunday foraging!  i signed us up for the class!  holy information overload batman!  the guide was a walking encyclopedia! so much information!  there was so much to take away!

these mushrooms are good!

this white one is bad. it will kill you! 
basically my backyard is a pharmacy!  these berries and leaves are full of via d!
anti inflammation!
ok, i picked a cute bouquet! 
i learned so much! and have so much more to learn. a great class, well worth the money 
after we sat down to a feast of locally sourced food!  i had lobster and really liked it!  i tried almost everything and liked most of it...including the dandelion jam!  it was a nice way to spend a sunny sunday afternoon
i started this sun night and finished it monday.  i got to the last page and went "what? i did NOT see that coming!" a fun way to end a book...i havent read anything else since. ive been cleaning up the house and went into the school room...i did plan sept art classes and book club as well as the not back to school palooza! so ive been some what productive! 

this has been the best summer and i dont want it to end!

nate got his new scooter and he's off!

at least i still have meeka and the girls! 
we started owls in the family!  3 chapters in and im loving it!  
then i got sick. but joey did my hair! great job joey!
lots of ellie cuddles!  
i can not even believe the summer is OVER!  Noooooooo!  i had such an enjoyable summer.  but im looking forward to what the yr will hold for plan is to take next week and plan our lessons.  the next 5 yrs will be my most intensive yrs homeschooling.  but i feel like im getting prepared for it.  i absolutely love living out here. i dont miss the moncton house at all.  i dont even mind driving nate for that i have a month or so off (he will drive his scooter until its too cold) ive filled up the week with school stuff....i am planning on a slow start with the girls.  lots of reading books and following their interests.  ive been able to connect with local home schoolers with kids my girls ages so im looking forward to cultivating new friendships and possibly take up some "handicrafts/homesteading"....and maybe another dog or 2...ha!