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house, house and more house

wed last week
thurs, garage is framed

fri. the big guns are out. natey LOVED this. we got there in time to watch them hall the roof joists up with the crane. nathaniel was is awe.

yeah, we have a roof! the dude on the roof is the builder sr.

nathaniel loving the action. i forgot to put his shoes on so he could not walk around. he was literally jumping out of my arms to get in the action.

the builder and his son.

back of the house

top floor. our room is the 2 windows on the right. the en suite is the window on the left

framing the loft. ahhh the lovely loft. some how a mistake was made and the loft will be a wee bit smaller than what is on the plans....

house as of fri night
chris is going to ottawa this week on work and i am going to hali. i don't feel super safe staying here alone for a week. we are living in what i like to call the sketchy side of town.....i heard a shot gun fri night at 1 a.m. memories of sasky came flooding back. ha.
we are 3 weeks into living out of suit cases. it is REALLY stretching me. i HATE it. i can not wait to get into my HOME. it's rough not having a place to call yours. but on a positive side, the weather has been great and nathaniel and i are discovering the city. we are surrounded by parks so each day we(i) pick a new park to play at. nathaniel loves playing outside.
i have also discovered my love for walking in older subdivisions in moncton. it's neat to see the different styles from over the years. i have also found that most of the retired folks are so lonely and want to talk to us. i think maybe we are being used to stop and chat with seniors on our walks.
nathaniel- ok, he's cutting ANOTHER tooth! he has a mouth full of teeth. he's so much fun to be with. he's my favourite he has taken up to barking. he hears a dog and barks. he hears a bird and barks, he hears me sing and barks. ha.
off to start another week.