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35 weeks!

the belly, this am
sigh. i am so wanting to have this baby. sigh.  it's the most different pregnancy!  i've enjoyed it (as much as i can with all the things going on around it) but i just want to have her and be done with it. ha. 

i am up another pound!  making the grand total 37ish pounds.  not too bad.  i am sore, my tummy/skin hurts. it's like she's out of room and is pushing everything around, the upper rib cage area is quite painful.  BUT the very coolest thing happened this week. i was playing with her, at night i rub my belly and poke her. i felt her FOOT!!! the bottom of her foot, it was like she was kicking her way out! i called chris up stat and he felt it too! then last night, i felt her elbow!!!  i first thought it was her hand but then felt the point of the elbow and 2 arms!  i never got to feel that with nate!  very cool!  then this am, during church she got her arm stuck and after a good 10 tries she freed it. it was cool and painful all at the same time!

i am also surprised with my appetite. i have none!  i eat 2-3 bits and i am full. like my stomach is squished up.  for cravings, i want pita bread with hummus on it. and bread with butter. lots of butter.  even better when dipped in a soup...mmmmmmmm SO good.  and oranges. i still want oranges and plums....kinda boring! 

so. there ya go! another week. another pound and another few more to go!