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not how i wanted to spend my saturday :(
back story
i had some pain on tues that continued, progressively getting worse since sat, so i called the prenatal unit and was told to come in right away. we went in go checked out, blood pressure was good,had some tests done and went home to rest.  i got a call around 4:30 with the tests results, i had a higher than ok level of protein in my urine, so i was booked for more tests on fri and to rest on thurs.
fri i went in had the tests done and got a call around 4 from the dr with the results, my levels were even higher than wed and i was to go in today  to be assessed by the gyno and have more tests done
we had company last night, so i was relaxed and really enjoyed chatting, i was well rested and we prayed
today we went in, baby is good! very active. my blood pressure is low and my test results came back a bit higher than normal but lower than the last 2 tests. which is good
i was then ubber pleased to be sent home after 1 instead on being admitted, which was talked about!
the game plan is this. i go back on wed to have more tests and to chat with the gyno about what the bet road is to take.  there are many, many options and i know all of them. i don't want to focus on the negative and upset myself so i will just share the best game plan...
i will have an ultrasound this week to size the baby, take her measurements and see how well she's developing. depending on those results, if i continue on with the protein, swelling, black spots, headaches and chest pain, the worst case scenario will be jacking little miss e up on some steroid type medicine to speed her growth up to deliver her sooner than later...this is a scary but very exciting thought
scary because no one wants their baby to be born this early
exciting! because it will all be over and i will FINALLY have her in my arms, where she will be safe and cuddled
so we wait and see
i rest and try to feel better
baby girls's heart and fetal movement. very active one she is...i wonder who she takes after....hummm
dr nate checking me out!
nate was with me today. i had him with me on wed for 2.5 hrs and yesterday for another hour and 1/3...he has spent 8ish hours this week with me in the hospital and i am so PROUD of him and how he acted
after the gyno was done sharing her thoughts with me this am, she said to me how surprised she was with nathaniel's behavior and that she has a son his age and there is no way he would have been as well behaved as nate, the other dr also agreed and said how well behaved he was all morning, that they couldn't tell there was a kid in the room with us.  i was SO proud!  it totally made my day to hear strangers comment on how good he was. and he was so good!!!  yeah for nate! yeah for god's grace!

and that's today's wrap. back to the couch i go to watch tv with my kid. 


Anonymous said...

keep me posted on the update! if you need anything at. all. this. week, please call and i can came and help! i am off til friday, so don't hestitate at all....lil ms. e and her momma will be healthy during the remainder of your pregnancey, and will continue to speak and pray that over your lives. its scary no doubt, we are all here to support you through this!
xo, MIsty:)