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it's been rough

but first before i share our sob story, here are some pics of 2 happy kids!
i call her the "mighty stretching machine" which is sung to the tune of "mighty machines...working for you...mighty machines" those who have boys will prob be familiar with this song. haha
nateness! he's been begging me for months for this pirate toy at the $ store, after amazing behavior i got it for him
this is his growl. haha
we were driving in the car the other day and we hear nate say "oops. i think i just did something" i turned around to this. haha. he did do something!

the other day i asked nate to plug the monitor in for me he replied with "sure, i can do that. i am highly trained" haha

then yesterday am, i put ellie in his bed while i got ready to feed her, nate said to me "mommy, if you like you can leave her with me when you are done. i will watch her so you can go back to sleep" bawahhhh i told him i will take him up on that in 5 yrs. haha

ellie is 7 wks old!  i wish i could enjoy it more, 2 wks ago she went on a sleep strike and is giving us a run for the money with getting her to sleep and keeping her there!

we are sleep training, meaning teaching her how to sleep on her own and not using swings, rocking, car rides, me, bouncy chairs...etc...anyone have any tips? ideas?  she needs to sleep!!! i need to sleep!  help!!