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catch up!

ellie boober boo
today is the day!
nate has been crossing off the days for saturday.  they day that quinn, charlie, nana and papa arrive!
i gave nate a task and he quietly (very rare) and seriously worked away
giving me 10 mins of uninterrupted silence to catch up on emails
i stopped what i was doing just to watch him work away
he was lost in silent concentration!
so cute!
time to read
he didn't want to
i made him
yesterday nate had a pile of markers in his pocket
i asked him why did he have a pocket full of markers?
his reply? " they are not markers, they are missile(sp?) launchers and guns"
then i came down to find this
chris organising his organizer
yesterday we had our coop.  such fun.  we made snacks for the squirrels and birds
the plan was to take it home and string it in the back yard for the animals
but nate got hungry and ate most of it after playing in the park with the other kids

that's us in a nut shell this week
another week is gone


no caps nate said...

Ha. Last pic. "In a nutshell". Get it.