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my son
my pictures have the power to instantly bring me back to where i was in the photo. good and bad
maybe that's why i love photo's so much?
the above pic was taken of nate on the 5th hospital day. it was snapped after a round of guests left
i looked over at chris and said "i love him"
it was the first time i felt this content and  happy thing that i heard so much about
this pic was snapped when nate was about 14 wks old
i believe it was thanksgiving long wkend
he was fussy and having a hard time sleeping
so i went and picked him up out of his bed
put him on my chest where he slept
 i felt, for the first time, after getting through the first 14 wks (which i felt were so hard)
i felt that everything was going to be ok
somehow i would figure out this scary world of motherhood, that i felt so unprepared for
we were going to be ok
my ellie
a whole new chapter
she has made me a morning person (sorta haha). there is nothing like waking up to a cooing baby (who is SOAKING! wet and cold! and hungry!) who greets you with a gummy , sloppy baby smile (those are the best!)
i love these days
i enjoy them so much
 everything will be ok
my birthday
3 yrs ago
i remember having my morning breaky of cake and coffee
getting my gifts (that i was not expecting)
discovering that chris took the day off work so we can hang out
i smiled and thought 'this is the best birthday ever'
i was pregnant with ben
i remember thinking with a secret smile
"my first pic with my boys"
i was about 4 wks pregnant here and i just  knew i was having another boy
(for privacy reasons, i blurred out benjamin's body to those who do not with to see
ben's body)
you will always have a part of my heart, my life, my family.  i carried you, i felt you move and i saw you kick.  i don't question why or how. it doesn't matter. you have taught me so much. i am so thankful to god for you!

a few weeks ago, i broke down. i found myself in my closet, bringing down your little box. i haven't opened it in 3 years
i went through your stuff. your sleeper, your blanket, the cards, notes, emails, appointment cards, hospital bracelets, ultrasound's etc...i saved everything!
as i packed the box back up something fell
your birth card from the hospital
i turned it over
for the first time i saw your tiny foot and hand prints
for 3 yrs they have been in the box and i didn't know it
they are with me now
ben, words can not express how much i am looking forward to seeing you again!
i love you. i am thankful for you!
chris. chris. chris
as much as you annoy the beeps out of me!
drive me nuts with you being you! haha
i am SO thankful that you put up with me and let me be me
i am so so so thankful for you being you. your strength, your support, your love and your red truck
thankful for you!!!!
hee hee
thankful that we all get along. ha
sisters? how can ppl live with out them?
family!  so thankful!
it is impossible to have a pic of all my family together so this is gonna have to do!!!

so much to be thankful for

i give thanks for what you have done!


wk-eigenheer said...

Thanks Melanie for sharing your thoughts and pictures. I love it !Yes we have so muche to be thankfull for . And when we loock back the hard times often turn to pressious times and we find to the thanks we long couldend speak out. SO I am glad for you that you also found Ben's things . Yes Ben is and will be a part of you and your family, and for us a grandchild in heaven. All this is what shape you to the Melanie you are and will become. We enjoy the fall wetter and praise God for His goodness. Greetings for all of you so far away. Love you all. Muetti

Chris Eigenheer said...

and I am thankful for you my beautiful wife