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school stuff

nate took this pic with my camera and i thought it was neat!
he was making himself a cup of coffee!

i ran out of writing work for nate. i am using handwriting with out tears and i love it.  i am almost at the end of the book and dont want to buy anthing else until next yr
so i came up with this awesome idea!
cut up pics of mag and glue them in a book
i have nate come up with a sentence of his own which is a huge step for him because he struggles in the creative area
i write it down so it's semi correct and make lines for him to follow and voila.  free work books that he enjoys!
we started on vocab this week.  again not wanting to spend money i came up with this!
take a fun kid dictionary and have nate pick 1 word from each page to draw a pic of and copy the definition
again, this is a huge stretch for nate because he's not comfortable with drawing
not to shabby i think
and it's free!
so today. oh today. i made the huge mistake of telling nate that i am taking him to crystal palace tomorrow morning with some of him home school friends. he is SO excited he can't focus on anything other than
1-crystal palace
2- food
3 video games
that after his 100th warning to sit in his chair and work properly
i simply told him to pack all his books up
made him clean the school room ha!
and we simply read for an hour until lunch
it was such a great thing to do!  we ended school on a great note!
we are both ready for march break!
angel baby girl in her new (frenchys) outfit that chris put her in
he's getting the hang of matching clothes! i am proud of him!

and now to tackle my to do list!

happt thursday before march break!