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monday madness


 her new fav thing to do it find random objects like trucks, hard hats and nate's toys with wheels and run them around the house...she's getting close to walking!
my buddy and i.  he' showing his diamond. remember the 5.00 get got? he spent it on a package of red diamonds. the kids have played with them for a few find them everywhere, mostly outside. haha
 i hold my world in my hands
so blessed

yesterday was finally the day!!!!!
the peach tree has ripe peaces, after our walk at mapleton we came home to pick the first fruits from our tree
 bringing the peach home
 ellie tried a piece
 she loved it, just like us.  ok, i have to say this was the BEST peach i've had. SO good....looks like we have 6+more out there to pick!
we spent the long weekend together, hanging out with friends and squeezing every last bit of freedom our before school starts....tomorrow!!!!!

*i found out this am that public school goes back today....oops...then i laughed and said oh well! i love that about home school i don't follow anyone! freedom!

off to enjoy our last unstructured day!

it's pouring rain so it's a great way to stay in the house and finish the prep work for this yr...or i tell myself that....bawahhhhh


Loana said...

Peaches???Seriously sooo cool!!!

mel said...

and i picked one for you! chris is bringing it tonight for ya

Loana said...

Thanks :D
We loved it I shared with Jason!!
Now we have to plant some fruit trees!! lol