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catching up

 sigh. we have snow again,. more snow. the back deck is over nate's head again....spring where are you?
i wont complain, i dont get that...why complain and get upset about the weather? you can't change it!  why stress about it?  i am planning on greeting my family at the airport with a few snow balls....cough....enjoy your cruise!  blah! haha

i was going through some clothes, pulling out the new stuff ( THANKS CRY!!!!) and ellie found charlie's baby hat, put it on, ran back to the table and said " MOM!  look!  cheese!"

this morning, i  was sitting on the couch and ellie came over and said "mom! oh no!  why did you do that? green? oh no!" while pointing to my freshly, pedi'd green toes. she didnt like my choice i take it.....har
 nate FINALLY did it!  back in jan, i made him a deal. he had to go 7 days, 5 being school days, with out being spoken to.  the furthest he got was 4 days in a row...then something clicked and last week he went 5 days of school and 2 week end days with out us having to speak to him (attitude, being rude etc...) and he got his gift....a med size lego kit!
 he was SO proud that he cut open all the bags, out them in bowls and used the instructions to build the kit! chris helped him out a few times but for the most part nate did it on his own!  awesome dude!

i caught ellie reading the other day
 silly bean

token happy baby picture


wk-eigenheer said...

What a rich life !So many blessings ...and the courage to see in the "all inclusive " all the good moments again and again. Love you and your family. Thank you Melanie. Muetti