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after 5 years of nagging from both sets of parents, we finally got a family pic taken.  it was such fun. with 3 sick kids, sigh.  yes, i should have been wearing white but i wasn't going to buy a shirt to wear i wore one that i though would blend in with the girls dresses....not so much. oh well.  this pic was the best of the lot. most of the pics have ellie crying or looking completely scared and freaked out.  jo, thou, smiled in each picture! 

this is us. our family picture!


nana said...

I finally get a picture.

Ursi said...

Nice! Will you send us one? We are way overdue for a family picture too. Maybe over the summer...There's hoping:)
You all look great!
Lots of love, Ursi

Anonymous said...

Lovely pic.

Aunt Shirley

mel said...

we will send pics out for sure. it takes 2-3 wks for us to get them, then ill get them off to you guys