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some time last week...

 this is my life.  behind me is jumping joey
in front of me is nate and ellie. ha.
it was so beautiful out last sat, we spent some time outside playing, walking and visiting neighbours.  prob one of the last snow free play times this yr...
 jumping, tumbling, rolling, hand stands oh my!
 found this on my phone...ha
 first snow that lasted more than an hr!
 we did a play date on mon and i was so busy i didnt take one pic!  tues was get air party.  i took 2 pics, put my phone away and talked. ha i think the moms like the get together more than the kids.  great time to chat, catch up and laugh
i haven't been on the ball with the pic taking the last few weeks, i dont carry my phone with me during school and often just yrs resolution!  take more pics. ha