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party pt 2

 making herself at home
 table set up
 nate and oliver trying to hide. ha
 ellie and joey
 they made cake wands
 caleb joined as tigger
 harriet on lisa's lap. where she spent most of the afternoon. ha
 amanda raises her chickens in her house. lol.  she has a room for the baby chicks.  the kids loved playing with them.  she has 11 meat chickens and 4 breeders.  the baby meat chicks will be ready in a few weeks where they will butcher and eat them. ha

it was fun!  the party was a hit and we will do it again!
 it rained most of monday, my sis was in town so we went for dinner, shopping and the movies. when we came out of one of the stores, i saw GREEN grass. spring is HERE!  i had to snap a pic.  then we went for the movie
we had a blast and i ended the evening with "if you lived her we can do this on a regular base!"  so MOVE here!!!! ha