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 we made a quick trip to hali to celebrate charlie.  we left sat morning and came home sun night.  as short as the trip was, we all felt that it was MUCH longer. ha.  naw, we all had a really enjoyable time together.  everyone was there, all the dads too.  sat afternoon we did a party for charlie, then the big boys went to a movie, while the moms did our mom thing and enjoyed the evening on the trampoline.  i stopped taking pics after the party. but i really did have a fun time! 
 we did games with the kids and asked chris to hold the donuts...not eat the donuts!
 the donut game!
 great job joey!
 and ellie and copper
 showing her candy stash
 and promptly said "here aunty hold these while i jump on the trampoline"
 i introduced cry and jess to the BEST game EVER. its called "dead fish"  bawahhhhh
 quiet time
 we LOVE you charlie, i cant imagine life, family with out you.  i was blessed to watch you enter this world.  i am so proud of you. i love watching you grow and you constantly crack me  up with your "princess warrior" antics.  we love you!
 cake time. it was the best cake. i took home 1/2 of it.  its gone. it was really good!
 and now we are home and im getting ready to finish the school week up, clean up and head out to help chris build the cabin.  life is fun, full and reminds me that god is always faithful!