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 so nate is in air cadets.  this is something he has always wanted.  i let him join this past fall and honestly im totally hand off.  he was matured SO much.  he tells me where he needs to be and where about 7 days before...i dont nag him. ever.  hes always ready in his uniform.  im beyond proud

tonight was the formal dinner.    he looked so good. where did my boy go? ha/  ill let him go....
 after i dropped nate off, i came home to color with this little bug.  we colored for an hr. then ellie joined us!
 after an online meeting, putting ellie to bed, and working in my office i went to find this dude...i cant even! 
 as he got changed into his "civilian" clothing, i went to the front room to sit beside the tree. as i turned my head i saw this
 a framed pic of my dad's military training.  i dont have a lot of old family pics, but i did get this one.  i framed it.  and as my oldest kid got changed into reg clothes i took a few minutes to pause.  to reflect.  to pray...then snap these pics
 my dad
 3rd row
 Pte Carroll J.F.P
which made me smile.  not just my dad and his military past, or my son's eager steps to follow. which i will support...but my nephew holds almost the same initials.  q.f.p.... papa we need you around!