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hali pt 2

sat night was DATE night. and i did a RARE thing.  i did my hair, make up and dressed up on my new pant suit. ha.  after all the comments, im thinking i need to do this more often!  i asked chris to take a pic of me to make it official. this is what i got. thanks babe!
and again....this pics are horrible! oh well!
my bestie and i. LOVE you sis!
we drove 2 hrs to spent an hr eating here. haha a german restaurant! and it was SOOOO good.  i tried a new dish! 
my sis and bro!
cry and shawn
my meal. chris was SO sad that i ate it all and he didnt get any! it was SOOOOOOO good!
chris's meal
and good! such a fun night out!  thanks mom and dad for watching the kids. we truly had such an enjoyable evening with NO kids!
again, we found this cutie in our bed....she was awake but pretending to be asleep...haha!
sun was PARTY day.  we met up with shawns family, our family and had an AMAZING time.  so.  much.  food!
