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dad's 75th b-day!

My dad had his 75th birthday in March so we went up to celebrate him!  It was a fun, filled weekend!  we arrived fri night, spent sat morning at the museum, the afternoon having lunch, evening at the mall. sun quick church and home! but none the was a great visit to celebrate a wonderful dad and papa! we love you so much dad!  the value and stories, memories and fun times are irreplaceable. im so glad you are my dad and my kids know their "papa" 

the kid gang 

not so little anymore!
we went to the Museum of Natural Science to check out the latest that we built our homeschool stem day around....body wars!  after you get over the ick factor of the real bodies and how they created this exhibit...and ditch your kids to read everything...i was fascinated by it.  i spent a solid 2 hrs reading and watching videos...the kids? not so much, they had fun playing in the play area. ha im just going to drop some pics here....

the close up details of what the body looks like

the ear!  look how tiny those bones are!

i decided i need a spot like this for home.....hahaha
then we met up with my parents and uncle/aunt for a fancy lunch at a restaurant ive always wanted to eat at!  the food was fantastic!  

cry and shawn!

Jon and copper
joey got the best meal!  she ate it all
late night snuggles

i was busy catching up with my cousin and forgot to take any more pics..oops...we had a great time!

Sunday morning!  

Nate, Charlie and Ellie all got baptized Sunday morning!  What a great way to end the weekend, papa's birthday weekend!  they chose to get baptized together at Rock

Pastor Julia baptized them all.  I do like the new format...chris and i were both there.  i cried. those big mom tears. i am so proud of this kid.  he's had the worst yr, dealing with things that are too big for anyone his age and yet he's coming through it...strong and like a force to be reckoned with 
shawn.  supervising the whole thing. ha 
my 2 big kids
my arms are full
see....shawns watching out....bawahhhhhh

charlie! she's taller than her mom!