meeka hung with me
Boulten House TOur!
I booked some tours and trips for the homeschool group. The first one up was this one! Boulten House Tour! This house museum was in Sackville and it is my favorite museum in the area. I spent 3 hours there and could have spent more. actually, im going to go back....
the house is dated late 1700's and was owned by a ship builders family. each room in the house had a separate theme. the hosts were fantastic! We split the kids up into 2 separate groups. because i was with the girls i wasnt able to truly focus and read all the information. it was fantastic for a history obsessed person like me!
this picture was painted in the 1700's and was discovered in a BARN!
hand painted wall paper!
more replicas
the family linage
more details of interesting things
the train room
a hand made dress from the 1800's built by the owners daughter. she had a tragic life. poor girl! she was engaged and her fiancé went to sea and died. she never married and stayed at the house to mourn and sew clothing for the locals as well as help raise her nieces and nephews
original typewriter and office supplies
time in clock from the 1800's! in working condition. we all took a turn punching in and out
foundry room.
iron, foundry and coal history
mini iron play kitchens for the kids!
the house in front was dates 1800's the back addition was dated late 1700's
the carriage house tour!
more local family history. so many details
the upper level
the ceiling. this was the original house from the Anderson Family. its been resorted but the original wood is in the basement part. because the kids were so well behaved we were allowed to go to the research office and the basement as well as the climate control file room with all the paper work. what a great tour. i was sad nate missed it. im going to book another tour so i can go back with him!
A lot of blogs, fantastic getting caught up though. Thanks for taking the time because I realize it is slow going.
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