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Dec part 1

Dec came with snow and that meant LOTS of walks with Meeka.  She has this thing with bones, he hides them when we walk...i cant wait to see if she finds them come spring
i cant believe this is my back yard!

can life be any better chris?  Ellie snuggles, coffee and meeka! oh, and ME! 
love it 
just another afternoon of playing 
math buddies 
morning cuddles is the best perk of home schooling 

joey is my crafter. she loves all things creative 

nibbles!  hes cute. the rats have grown on me 
the tree!  i found this tree way back....look how it grew to reach the light.  nature is amazing 
i cant get over how it was bent, then twisted to the sky 

like, seriously. the tree! 
my men!
big chair, little girl 

nate and cindia.  

my little maker 
we did a few crafts in dec. this is just a small peek 

ellie got busy making her christmas list 
3 pages long!
I finished up book club in Dec.  Ive decided to step back a bit. I dropped art classes and book club to focus on other areas in the group.  Im mostly booking events, planning and organizing.  Fridays are Fri-Yeahs!  We play at the Y in the gym, break for lunch then do classes with the home school group.  Each friday the classes switch from Science to music, art (i do that) and STEM (ok, i teach that as well) 
We finished up with Mr. Poppers Penguins!  I had the kids try penguin food. the room stank after 

I made Advent Calendars for the girls. Very simple this yr.  2 pcs of candy (one each) and an activity card for a fun thing to do 
cuddle buddies. nate and cindia.  they are just freinds!
Chris and i went out on a date. my FAVORITE.  Bacon wrapped scallops! so good
my date 
last zoo camp of the yr and we lost all the snow we had 
Mondays we rented a local church for in door play with the home school group. the kids play while the moms chat....a wonderful afternoon 
Deanna's daughter works at the Starving Artist Cafe. she is super talented young artist!  she invited us in to make pottery! i know i had more fun than the girls. i made a mug....i went back to paint it, i just need to pick it up now. ha

my mug 

nate checking out the girls calander and remembering when i made him his
i found these pics on my phone!  Little miss!

My baby!